Bipedal Track-Makers

Bipedal tracks are by far the most
common type found.  They consist of
left and right prints of similar shape
and size, and each print has three
toes (tridactyl). 

Diagram of a bipedal trackway. 
(Lockley, 1991)

    There are two major dinosaur groups which made biped tracks: the theropods (carnivorous) and the ornithopods (herbivorous).
Theropod track
Ornithopod tracks
The theropod print is usually long and narrow.  The posterior is V-shaped and each toe terminates in a pointy claw mark.  Ornithopod tracks are distinguished from theropod tracks in that they are wider and the posteriors are more rounded and the digits are shorter, blunter, and do not terminate in a claw.  Both theropods and ornithopods preferred to walk on their toes (digitigrade), though at times they did walk flat-footed (plantigrade).

Prints ranging from digitigrade to plantigrade.
(Thulborn, 1990)