Baradal is located within the Tobago Cays. On Baradal there are pillow
lavas and submarine volcaniclastics which are overlain by Middle Eocene
limestones. At the beach/water interface beachrock can be found.
Beachrock forms under conditions of rapid cementation in an intertidal
zone, and the cementation is associated with the evaporation of seawater
at low tide, when there is a concentration of dissolved minerals. Beachrock
can develop very rapidly, from 1 to 10 years, and can be destroyed rapidly
as well due to storms or biota. It can cause a change in the substrate,
but it is the same composition as the sand. Beachrock provides a very diverse
ecosystem for many types of flaura and fauna. It provides a habitat for
borers to encrusters, photo-dependant and non-dependant animals, and it
traps sediment at a rapid rate. Fauna includes worms, bryozoans, bivalves,
algae, foraminifera, barnacles, limpids and many more.