formal definition of a reef is a ridge of rock or shingle or sand at or
just below the surface of the water. Coral reefs fit this definition
since they are composed of limestone rock and do not usually extend above
the water surface. Coral reefs have living corals that live on the surface
but mainly are non living remains that is rock (limestone). The entire
ecosystem is unique. The term coral reef also encompasses the living
animals and fauna in which they usually have some type of symbiotic relationship
with. The structure of the coral reef consists of skeletal remains
that once established tend to grow upward and outward. The life and
death processes of the organism result in the steady contribution of their
skeletal remains to the structure. Tropical seas have a large amount
of dissolved limestone that the corals use to produce and excrete their
skeleton. The death of each coral leave behind a skeleton in which
the shape is species specific that governs the shape of the reef system.