The ecology of corals is widely studied as
to their role in reef building and because they are good indicators of
climate and latitude. This holds true for paleo-environments as well
as environmental forecasting. All corals require the movement of
water for nutrient delivery and waste removal. They do not tolerate large
amounts of sedimentation since this tends to clog up their simplified digestion
cavity. Because of their endosymbionts, corals are restricted to
clear, shallow waters that are included in the photic zone. They
are most productive at temperatures that range from 25 to 290C. the
rate of metabolism is accelerated by the presence of zooxanthellae because
they absorb the waste from the corals and are nutrient sources in nutrient
poor zones. The zooxanthellae also help the corals excrete their
calcitic exoskeleton because they produce by-products of photosynthesis
that increases the nucleation rate of calcite crystals. the zooxanthellae
can also smother the corals of their grow is very profuse. One of
the corals many predators are Parrot fish that have hard beaks that can
crunch the hard corals. a sudden explosion of the Crown-of-Thorn
star fish (picture above) can also be detrimental to corals. Such was the
case of large tracks of the Great Barrier Reef that were destroyed
by the organism. Others include :
polychaete worms
clinoid sponges, bivalves and certain
worms that burrow the coral skeleton