Bedrock Geology of The Ottawa Area

Bedrock Geology of The Ottawa Area


Geological Features

20- No information is available on the rock formation underlying these Quaternary deposits


18- CARLSBAD FORMATION: gray shale, sandy shale, some dolomitic layers
17- BILLINGS FORMATION: black shale with some brown shale
16- EASTVIEW FORMATION: dark grey, almost black limestone
15- OTTAWA FORMATION: limestone with some shaly partings; some sandstone in basal part
14- ST-MARTIN FORMATION: shale, sandstone, impure limestone, domolite
13- ROCKCLIFFE FORMATION: shale with sandstone lenses
12- OXFORD FORMATION: dolomite and limestone
11- MARCH FORMATION: interbedded sandstone and sandy dolomite

Ordovician or Cambrian

10- NEPEAN FORMATION: sandstone


9- Granite, quartz, monzonite, granodiorite, tonalite, massive and foliated; also associated migmatite
8- Syenite, monzonite, massive and foliated
7- Pegmatite, white pegmatite associated with marble
6- Diorite, gabbro, anorthosite, metagabbro
5- Marble, lime, silicate rocks, interbedded amphibolite, skarn
4- Amphibolite, greenstone, associated migmatite, localy garnetiferous (includes probable mafic metavolcanics)
3- Paragneiss, pelitic and psammopelitic schists and gneisses (includes some layered amphibolite of uncertain origin)
2- Quartzite, interlayered paragneiss; quartzose paragneiss
1- Undifferentiated Precambrian
BŽlanger, J. R., Howard, M., Moore, A. and PrŽgent, A.
Bedrock Geology and Geotechnical Characteristics of Rock Formations of the National Capital Region, Ontario-QuŽbec, Digital Maps. GSC Open File no. 2884.
Digital version of the Bedrock Geology and Geotechnical Characteristics of Rock Formations maps released on paper at 1:125000 to accompany GSC Paper 77-11. The Maps were processed by GIS and released in E00 format.

Source: Figure 2, Geological Survey Canada, Paper 77-11.