Why does palynology work?

        Palynology exists as a study obviously because palynomorphs can be found in the rock record.  But why are palynomorphs so abundant (up to 5 million cells per gram in organic marine and coal deposits) in some samples?   Why are pollen and spores preserved more easily than other plant parts?  Here are some answers:


        Even with all the above criteria working in favour for preservation, palynomorphs aren't as readily available as palynologists would like.  In fact, there are restrictions that are unfavourable for restoration.  According to Traverse, palynomorphs will oxidize when exposed to weathering and they can not survive in high-alkaline areas (1988).  Obviously, due to their susceptibility to extreme conditions, palynomorphs can't be found in metamorphic or recrystallized rocks (Traverse, 1988).  Even in modern times it is difficult to match strayed pollen and spores to the species of plant which it originated from; imagine the difficulty palynologists have matching fossilized palynomorphs to the species - some of which may not exist anymore.
